“温馨书吧小舞台,英语交流大世界”,为给广大研究生提供一个展示自我英语风采的平台,提高研究生的英语水平,创新中心英语俱乐部每周四晚19点于书吧举行英语角活动,现将12月份活动主题公告如下,望各位新老同学踊跃参加。 为丰富英语角活动内容,12月份的活动将做如下改变。活动过程分为三个部分:分别是“主题讨论”,“开心游戏”和“分享时间”。希望通过这种方式,提高广大研究生的参与热情,在更加轻松愉快的环境中丰富自己的英语知识。 12月5日(周四)19点 Topic:Work 主持人:赵东东 刘冉 Questions:1. What is your ideal job? 2. What does it mean to be successful in your work? 3 . How can you maintain good relationships with your co-workers?
12月12日(周四)19点 Topic:righteousness and self-protection 主持人:丁水怡 董楠 Questions: 1. Can we depend on strangers' help? 2. If you are the driver, will you do the same thing? 3. Friendship vs. Responsibility
12月19日(周四)19点 Topic:A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China - "tuhao" - which loosely translated means "nouveau riche"(法语:暴发户). There have been more than 100 million references to the word "tuhao" on social media since early September. The popularity of this new words seems to be down to the fact that it encapsulates China's changing society so well - many people sneer at those with wealth, but are secretly jealous. 主持人:邹鹏飞 赵东东 Questions: 1. what is your perception in the face of such a phenomenon? 2. Would you try your best to give your definition of the new word “tuhao”? 3. What is your criterion of happiness or success ?
12月26日(周四)19点 Topic:Winter Holiday 主持人:杨蕾 秦媛媛Questions: 1. This semester comes to an end. What do you learm? 2. Do you have any plan for the winter vacation?