研究生创新中心英语俱乐部在研究生院、党委研究生工作部的直接领导下开展工作,旨在为广大研究生提供一个英语学习和交流的平台。自成立以来,俱乐部坚持以服务广大研究生为己任,以国际化为导向,组织策划了研究生英语演讲比赛、研究生英语配音大赛、研究生英语角等系列活动。在十月份活动的基础上,俱乐部将在十一月份继续举行英语角等活动。现将具体主题公布如下: Topic in November 22th: Smog and Haze The theme of the first activity in November is about smog and haze. Complex and regional air pollution is the main problem of air pollution in China. Therefore, it should be improved urgently that the existing air pollution control mechanism which emphasizes single-target pollutant terminal treatment, regional air pollution control and lack of public participation mechanism. Topic in November 29th: Delicacy The theme of the second activity in October is about delicacy. Delicious food is regardless of the value, as long as you like, can be called delicacy. As is known in the world, China has a reputation as a cooking kingdom in which we have a large number of small families with its own special food. Come and share your view of delicacy! Host: Lu Yuqi; Overseas Student 主要环节:18:15—18:30 热场时间 18:30—20:00 自由讨论 20:00—20:30 游戏互动 地点:研究生创新中心(松园) 日期:2018年11月22日、29日 晚18:30——20:30 ; 英语俱乐部QQ群号:574679326 欢迎广大研究生积极参加! 研究生创新中心 2018年11月15日