考研英语大作文在这个阶段不必再纠结于某一篇作文了,而是站在高处,整理所背诵的范文中适合自己表达水平的句型,高屋建瓴地把握整体写作框架,从而塑造自己的私家定制的模板。 第一段: 描图其实是漫画作文最重要的,也是比较有难度的。在最后的冲刺阶段。不要用太多复杂的表达,用简单的句型正确地表达即可。基本思路为: 第一句,如图所示,第二句,人+动作+状态+环境,最后一句可以翻译这个图画中的文字,引出本文重点。 比如:以2003年的作文题目为例,我们可以这样储备写作框架: This set of drawings above vividly illustrates … As is shown in the first picture, there is/ are … (On the contrary, there is/ are …) The caption reads, “…”. (We are informed that “…”). 例:This set of drawings vividly reflects the different fates of a delicate flower under different circumstances. In the first drawing, the flower is placed in a comfortable greenhouse which protects it from the threatening storm. By contrast, when it is exposed to the thunderstorm, the fragrant flower soon fades and withers, with petals scattering on the ground. 这组图画生动地描绘了一朵花在不同环境下的不同命运。在第一幅图中,花被放置在温室中,保护它免受风暴的威胁。然而,当他面对雷雨风暴时,芬芳的花朵很快就枯萎凋零,花瓣散落在地上。 考虑到图片内容较丰富对应的描写字数比较多,最后一句话可省去不写。那么我们横向借鉴一下,2014年考的漫画是否也可以这样表达呢?答案是肯定的,只需要替换里面的一些关键性的词汇,这个写作框架又可以焕发出它的生机和活力。 比如: This set of drawings vividly reflects the phenomenon of being thankful and filial to parents. In the first picture, a young and vigorous mother led her girl hand in hand three decades ago, while nowadays the daughter in the prime of her life guides her aged mother arm in arm in the second picture. 第二段:很多同学都会反映中间段内容空洞,素材较少,其实只要合理地储备以下六类写作素材,我们就可以以轻松的心态来面对2016的考研。回顾近二十年来的作文考题,基本上属于以下的六大话题范围。 1. 人的健康:包括心理和生理的双方面。 2. 人的成长:包括面对的苦难,学会合作,和处理与其他人的关系; 3. 环保:这是人类社会存在的硬件条件,包括“污染”; 4. 责任:这是人类社会存在的软件条件,包括“诚信”; 5. 文化的好现象:值得鼓励的,比如“文化交流”,“传统文化”以及“中外文化”; 6. 文化的坏现象:需要采取对策的,比如“偶像”,“网瘾”等。 因此,要想准确自如的写出第二段,同学们需要彻底掌握以上话题对应的主题词及论证 素材句,可借鉴以下范例进行总结学习。 1. 人: 1)健康 physical health 生理健康 mental fitness 心理健康 keep optimistic 保持乐观 pessimistic 悲观的 commit suicide 自杀 do physical exercises 进行体育锻炼 well-balanced diet 均衡饮食 infectious diseases 传染病 2)成长 代沟:generation gap 老年人:old/aged people, the old/aged/elders/elderly, senior citizens 独立:independence 溺爱:doting care 独生子女:only children 坚持:persistence 成功:success 创新:innovation 奋斗精神:striving spirit 拼搏精神:determined spirit 人生观:outlook of life 信心:confidence 困难:difficulty 挑战:challenge 金融危机:financial crisis 就业:employment 合作:cooperation/teamwork 团队精神:team spirit 齐心协力/众志成城: joint/cooperative efforts 2. 社会 1)环境问题 environmental protection 环境保护 keep ecological balance 保持生态平衡 sustainable development strategy可持续发展战略 save the energy 节约能源(节能) reduce the emission of greenhouse gases 减少温室气体排放(减排) greenhouse effect 温室效应 clean renewable energy 清洁可再生能源 low carbon economy 低碳经济 deforestation 滥砍滥伐 desertification 沙漠化 water and soil erosion 水土流失 sandstorm 沙尘暴 snowstorm 雪灾 typhoon 台风 flood洪水 earthquake 地震 2)义务与责任 责任:duty/responsibility 责任感:sense of responsibility 承担:shoulder/assume/undertake 逃避:avoid/shun/shirk 奉献:devote/devotion/dedicate/dedication 职业道德:professional ethics 欺诈行为:dishonest behaviors 伪劣产品:fake commodities 虐待:abuse错误 mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat(ment) 赡养:do good to, care, look after, take care of, financially support 3. 文化 1)好 文化交流:cultural exchange 文化融合:cultural integration/blending 多元文化:multi-culture, mosaic culture, pluralistic culture 保存珍惜:preserve and cherish 取其精华:absorb its essence 去其糟粕:resist its dark side 流行文化:popular culture 2)坏 偶像崇拜:idol worship 上网成瘾:web addiction 数码产品:digital products 电子游戏:electronic games 手机入网:mobile-phone subion 手机短信:text message 第三段:第三段的写法套路性也是比较强的,在此给大家提供一种简单易行的写作框架,大家可以在这个框架之上进行适当的自我修改,从而打造自己的私家原创模板。 参考框架:It is high time we placed great emphasis on …To begin with, relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those who… In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of the young that … 【模板真题示例】 It is high time we placed great emphasis on the brutal phenomenon. To begin with, relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those who shun the responsibility. In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of the young that respecting the old has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture. (2005年真题) 最后送给各位考研战士一句格言,共勉之。“Nothing is difficult to a willing heart.” 世上无难事,只怕有心人。事在人为,虽然考研时一场艰苦的人生斗争,相信只要大家用心努力就一定能够收获胜利的果实!