- 阅读权限
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- 积分
- 12880
- 在线时间
- 32353 小时
- 精华
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- 1
- 性别
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- 考研年份
- 2014年
- 报考院系
- 公共管理学院
- 帖子
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- 威望
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- 金钱
- 61261
- 注册时间
- 2007-3-21
- 1
- 性别
- 女
- 考研年份
- 2014年
- 报考院系
- 公共管理学院
- 帖子
- 19286
- 注册时间
- 2007-3-21
1993/09 - 1997/07,东京女子医学院,博士
1987/09 - 1990/07,河南医学院,硕士
1980/09 - 1985/07,河南医学院,学士
2013/01 - 至今,郑州大学,生命科学学院,教授
2013/01 - 至今,美国纽约血液中心,教授(兼职)
2001/10 - 2013/01,美国纽约血液中心,副教授
1999/09 - 2001/09,美国Lawrence Berkeley 国家实验室,博士后
1997/07 - 1999/09,东京女子医学院,博士后
1990/07 - 1993/09,河南医科大学第二附属医院,主治医师
1985/07 - 1987/09,河南医科大学第二附属医院,住院医师
安秀丽教授毕业于河南医学院,获学士及硕士学位。后于1993年获得日本世川医学奖学金赴日本东京女子医科大学生物化学系攻读博士学位,师从高桑雄一教授(现日本东京女子医科大学校长)从事红细胞结构与功能研究, 1997年获医学博士学位。1999年到美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利国家实验室(Berkeley Lawrence National Laboratory)从事博士后研究,师从世界一流红细胞研究专家Dr. Narla Mohandas继续从事相关研究。 2001年以助理教授身份加入纽约血液中心,与Dr. Narla Mohandas(现纽约血液中心科研副总裁,LFKRI 研究所所长,Blood杂志副主编)共同创建红细胞生理实验室,担任该实验室常务主任;2008年晋升为副教授并建立膜生物学实验室,2008年至今担任该实验室主任,2013年晋升为教授。安秀丽教授现为世界红系研究领域的代表性人物之一,现任血液学(JCR-SCI)一区杂志Blood的编委。近年来主持及领导5项共1586万美元的美国NIH研究基金。在Blood、PNAS USA等一区学术期刊以通讯作者和第一作者身份发表论文70余篇,其中8篇论文在发表时被编辑部列为当期推荐的文章(Editor′s Highlight)。总影响因子411,总被引频次1600次。其中被Nature引用17次,Science引用3次,Cell引用3次, PNAS引用17次,Blood引用134次。研究工作曾30余次在国际红细胞权威学术会议(Gordon Research Conference on Red Cells)、著名学府和研究机构报告。安秀丽教授现任美国血液学会(American Society of Hematology)红细胞分委员会委员。现任血液学权威期刊Blood的编委, JBC、Biochemistry、BBA、PLOS ONE等20多种生物学领域重要期刊同行审稿专家,国家自然科学基金“十三五”规划血液学科工作组专家以及国家自然科学基金医学科学领域学科评审专家,入选河南省引进海外高层次人才“百人计划”。
1、 National Institutes of Health, R01 (DK100810): TET3 in Terminal Erythroid Differentiation. 2014/04-2017/03, Principal Investigator (PI).
2、 American Society of Hematology (ASH Bridge Grant). 2013/4-2014/4, Principal Investigator (PI).
3、 National Institutes of Health, P01 (DK032094): Rogram Project: Red Cell Membrane Studies. 2008/7-2013 /6, Project Leader.
4、 National Institutes of Health, R01 (DK026263): Red Cell deformability in vitro and survival in vivo. 2008/07-2013 /06, Co- Pricipal Investigator.
5、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81272187):4.1N 基因在乳腺癌转移中的生物学作用和分子机制研究。2013/01-2016/12、主持。
6、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81171905):结肠癌候选抑癌基因4.1N失活机制及生物学功能研究。2012/01-2015/12、主持。
1. An X, Schulz VP, Mohandas N, Gallagher PG.Human and murine erythropoiesis. Curr Opin Hematol. 2015. 22(3): 206-211.
2. Jacob C. Ulirsch, Jessica N. Lacy, Xiuli An, Narla Mohandas, Tarjei S. Mikkelsen, Vijay G. Sankaran(*), Altered chromatin occupancy of master regulators underlies evolutionary divergence in the transcriptional landscape of erythroid differentiation, PLoS Genet., 2014, 10(12): e1004890-e1004890.
3. Lionel Blanc(*), Julien Papoin, Gargi Debnath, Michel Vidal, Robert Amson, Adam Telerman, Xiuli An, Narla Mohandas, Abnormal erythroid maturation leads to microcytic anemia in the TSAP6/Steap3 null mouse model, Am J Hematol., 2015, 90(3): 235-241.
4. Jie Li, John Hale, Pooja Bhagia, Fumin Xue, Lixiang Chen, Julie Jaffray, Hongxia Yan, Joseph Lane, Patrick G. Gallagher, Narla Mohandas, Jing Liu, Xiuli An(*), Isolation and transcriptome analyses of human erythroid progenitors: BFU-E and CFU-E, Blood, 2014, 124(24): 3636-3645.
5. Leal Oburoglu, Saverio Tardito, Vanessa Fritz, Stéphanie C. De Barros, Peggy Merida, Marco Craveiro, João Mamede, Gaspard Cretenet, Cédric Mongellaz, Xiuli An, Dorota Klysz, Jawida Touhami, Myriam Boyer-Clavel, Jean-Luc Battini, Valérie Dardalhon, Valérie S. Zimmermann, Narla Mohandas, Eyal Gottlieb, Marc Sitbon, Sandrina Kinet(*), Naomi Taylor(*), Glucose and Glutamine Metabolism Regulate Human Hematopoietic Stem Cell Lineage Specification, Cell Stem Cell, 2014, 15(2): 169-184.
6. Jingxin Zhang, Shaomin Yang, Chao An, Jie Wang, Hongxia Yan, Yumin Huang, Jinlei Song, Changcheng Yin, Anthony J Baines, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Comprehensive characterization of protein 4.1 expression in epithelium of large intestine,Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 2014, 142(5): 529-539.
7. Seda Ghazaryan, Chandler Sy, Tinghui Hu, Xiuli An, Narla Mohandas, Haiqing Fu, Mirit I. Aladjem, Victor T. Chang, Rene Opavsky, Lizhao Wu(*),Inactivation of Rb and E2f8 synergizes to trigger stressed DNA replication during erythroid terminal differentiation, Mol Cell Biol., 2014, 34(15): 2833-2847.
8. Dun Liu, Xinhua Zhang, Lihua Yu, Ren Cai, Xiaoxia Ma, Chengguang Zheng, Yuqiu Zhou, Qiji Liu, Xiaofeng Wei, Li Lin, Tizhen Yan, Jiwei Huang, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An, Xiangmin Xu(*), Erythroid Krüppel-like factor mutations are relatively more common in a thalassemia endemic region and ameliorate the clinical and hematological severity of β-thalassemia, Blood, 2014, 124(5): 803-811.
9. Xiuli An, Vincent P. Schulz, Jie Li, Kunlu Wu, Jing Liu, Fumin Xue, Jingping Hu, Narla Mohandas, Patrick G. Gallagher(*), Global transcriptome analyses of human and murine terminal erythroid differentiation, Blood, 2014, 123(22): 3466-3477.
10. Vikram R. Paralkar, Tejaswini Mishra, Jing Luan, Yu Yao, Andrew V. Kossenkov, Stacie M. Anderson, Margaret Dunagin, Maxim Pimkin, Meghneel Gore, Diana Sun, Neeraja Konuthula, Arjun Raj, Xiuli An, Narla Mohandas, David M. Bodine, Ross C. Hardison, Mitchell J. Weiss(*), Lineage and species-specific long noncoding RNAs during erythro-megakaryocytic development, Blood, 2014, 123(12): 1927-1937.
11. Harold Pimentel, Marilyn Parra, Sherry Gee, Dana Ghanem, Xiuli An, Jie Li, Narla Mohandas, Lior Pachter, John G. Conboy(*), A dynamic alternative splicing program regulates gene expression during terminal erythropoiesis, Nucleic Acids Res., 2014, 42(6): 4031-4042.
12. Jie Wang, Jinlei Song, Chao An, Wenji Dong, Jingxin Zhang, Changcheng Yin(*), John Hale, Anthony J. Baines, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), A 130-kDa Protein 4.1B Regulates Cell Adhesion, Spreading, and Migration of Mouse Embryo Fibroblasts by Influencing Actin Cytoskeleton Organization, J Biol Chem., 2014, 289(9): 5925-5937.
13. Haibo Weng, Xinhua Guo, Julien Papoin, Jie Wang, Ross Coppel, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Interaction of Plasmodium falciparum knob-associated histidine-rich protein (KAHRP) with erythrocyte ankyrin R is required for its attachment to the erythrocyte membrane,Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 2014, 1838(1): 185-192.
14. Sara Santos Franco, Luigia De Falco, Saghi Ghaffari, Carlo Brugnara, David A. Sinclair, Alessandro Matte', Achille Iolascon, Narla Mohandas, Mariarita Bertoldi, Xiuli An, Angela Siciliano, Pauline Rimmelé, Maria Domenica Cappellini, Shaday Michan, Elisa Zoratti, Janin Anne, Lucia De Franceschi(*), Resveratrol accelerates erythroid maturation by activation of FoxO3 and ameliorates anemia in beta-thalassemic mice, Haematologica, 2014, 99(2): 267-275.
15. Zhenhua Sui, Roberta B. Nowak, Andrea Bacconi, Nancy E. Kim, Hui Liu, Jie Li, Amittha Wickrema, Xiuli An, Velia M. Fowler(*), Tropomodulin3-null mice are embryonic lethal with anemia due to impaired erythroid terminal differentiation in the fetal liver, Blood, 2014, 123(5): 758-767.
16. Chenguang Xi, Caixia Ren, Ajin Hu, Jie Lin, Qian Yao, Yue Wang, Zifen Gao, Xiuli An, Congrong Liu(*), Defective expression of Protein 4.1N is correlated to tumor progression, aggressive behaviors and chemotherapy resistance in epithelial ovarian cancer, Gynecol Oncol., 2013, 131(3): 764-771.
17. Sebastian Fernandez-Pol, Zdenek Slouka, Souvik Bhattacharjee, Yana Fedotova, Stefan Freed, Xiuli An, Anthony A. Holder, Estela Campanella, Philip S. Low, Narla Mohandas(*), Kasturi Haldar(*), A bacterial phosphatase-like enzyme of the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum possesses tyrosine phosphatase activity and is implicated in the regulation of band 3 dynamics during parasite invasion, Eukaryot Cell., 2013, 12(9): 1179-1191.
18. Congrong Liu, Haibao Weng, Lixiang Chen, Shaomin Yang, Hua Wang, Gargi Debnath, Xinhua Guo, Liancheng Wu, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Impaired intestinal calcium absorption in 4.1R-deficient mice due to altered expression of plasma membrane calcium ATPase 1b, J Biol Chem., 2013, 288(16): 11407-11415.
19. Jingping Hu, Jing Liu, Fumin Xue, Gregory Halverson, Marion Reid, Anqi Guo, Lixiang Chen, Azra Raza, Naomi Galili, Julie Jaffray, Joseph Lane, Joel Anne Chasis, Naomi Taylor, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Isolation and functional characterization of human erythroblasts at distinct stages: implications for understanding of normal and disordered erythropoiesis in vivo, Blood, 2013, 121(16): 3246-3253.
20. Jing Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Yelena Ginzburg, Huihui Li, Fumin Xue, Lucia De Franceschi, Joel Anne Chasis, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Quantitative analysis of murine terminal erythroid differentiation in vivo: novel method to study normal and disordered erythropoiesis,Blood, 2013, 121(8): e43-49.
21. Alessandro Matte, Mariarita Bertoldi(*), Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An, Antonella Bugatti, Anna Maria Brunati, Marco Rusnati, Elena Tibaldi, Angela Siciliano, Franco Turrini, Silverio Perrotta, Lucia De Franceschi(*), Membrane association of peroxiredoxin-2 in red cells is mediated by the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of band 3, Free Radic Biol Med., 2013, 55(2):27-35.
22. Lixiang Chen, Richard A. Hughes, Anthony J. Baines, John Conboy, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Protein 4.1R regulates cell adhesion, spreading, migration and motility of mouse keratinocytes by modulating b1-integrin surface expression, J Cell Sci., 2011, 124(14): 2478-2487.
23. Shaomin Yang, Haibo Weng, Lixiang Chen, Xinhua Guo, Marilyn Parra, John Conboy, Gargi Debnath, Amy J. Lambert, Luanne L. Peters, Anthony J. Baines, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Lack of protein 4.1G causes male infertility due to altered expression and localization of cell adhesion molecule nectin-like 4 in testis, Mol Cell Biol., 2011, 31(11): 2276-2286.
24. Emilie Gauthier, Xinhua Guo, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Phosphorylation-dependent perturbations of the 4.1R-associated multiprotein complex of the Erythrocyte Membrane, Biochemistry, 2011, 50(21): 4561-4567.
25. Christine C. Krieger, Xiuli An, Hsin-Yao Tang, Narla Mohandas, David W. Speicher, Dennis E. Discher(*), Cysteine Shotgun Mass Spectrometry (CS-MS) reveals protein structure changes in cells with stress-driven unfolding and dissociation, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011, 108(20): 8269-8274.
26. Sunita Patel-Hett, Hongbe iWang, Antonija J. Begonja, Jonathan N. Thon, Eva C. Alden, Nancy J. Wandersee, Xiuli An, Narla Mohandas, John H. Hartwig, Joseph E. Italiano. Jr(*), The spectrin-based membrane skeleton stabilizes mouse megakaryocyte membrane systems and is essential for proplatelet and platelet formation, Blood, 2011, 118(6): 1641-1652.
27. Jing Liu, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An(*), Membrane assembly during erythropoiesis, Current Opinion in Hematology, 2011, 18(3): 133-138.
28. Xiuli An, Narla Mohandas(*), Erythroblastic islands, terminal erythroid differentiation and reticulocyte maturation, International Journal of Hematology, 2011, 93(2): 139-143.
29. Xiuli An(*), Xinhua Guo, Yang Yang, Walter B. Gratzer, Anthony J. Baines, Narla Mohandas, Inter-subunit Interactions in Erythroid and Non-Erythroid Spectrins, Biochim Biophys Acta, 2011, 1814(3): 420-427.
30. Sara Gardenghi, Pedro Ramos, Maria Franca Marongiu, Luca Melchiori, Laura Breda, Ella Guy, Kristen Muirhead, Niva Rao, Cindy N. Roy, Nancy C. Andrews, Elizabeta Nemeth, Antonia Follenzi, Xiuli An, Narla Mohandas, Yelena Ginzburg, Eliezer A. Rachmilewitz, Patricia J. Giardina, Robert W. Grady, Stefano Rivella(*), Hepcidin as a therapeutic tool to limit iron overload and improve anemia in β-thalassemic mice, J Clin Invest., 2010, 120(12): 4466-4477.
31. Lionel Blanc(*), Marcela Salomao, Xinhua Guo, Xiuli An, Walter Gratzer, Narla Mohandas, Control of erythrocyte membrane-skeletal cohesion by the spectrin-membrane linkage, Biochemistry, 2010, 49(21): 4516-4523.
32. Marcela Salomao, Ke Chen, Jonathan Villalobos, Narla Mohandas, Xiuli An, Joel Anne Chasis(*), Hereditary spherocytosis and hereditary elliptocytosis: aberrant protein sorting during erythroblast enucleation, Blood, 2010, 116(2): 267-269.
33. Alex George, Suvarnamala Pushkaran, Lina Li, Xiuli An, Yi Zheng, Narla Mohandas, Clinton H. Joiner, Theodosia A. Kalfa(*), Altered phosphorylation of cytoskeleton proteins in sickle red blood cells: The role of protein kinase C, Rac GTPases, and reactive oxygen species, Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, 2010, 45(1): 41-45.
34. Jing Liu, Xinhua Guo, Narla Moh, , andas, Joel A. Chasis, Xiuli An(*), Membrane remodeling during reticulocyte maturation, Blood, 2010, 115(10): 2021-2027.