- 阅读权限
- 200
- 积分
- 12880
- 在线时间
- 32353 小时
- 精华
- 262
- 1
- 性别
- 女
- 考研年份
- 2014年
- 报考院系
- 公共管理学院
- 帖子
- 19286
- 威望
- 12880
- 金钱
- 61263
- 注册时间
- 2007-3-21
- 1
- 性别
- 女
- 考研年份
- 2014年
- 报考院系
- 公共管理学院
- 帖子
- 19286
- 注册时间
- 2007-3-21
精彩纷呈的新学期旅程已经悄悄过半,在我校研究生创新中心英语俱乐部每周一次的“英语角”主题活动中,我们抱着对英语的满腔热忱,从初识,以微笑拉近距离,再到共同的话题,用英语敞开心扉,见证“英语角”活动的举行,参与活动不断地壮大,我们从中收获了欢乐,友谊,更广阔的视野。十一月份伊始,创新中心英语俱乐部将继续以培养同学们对英语的兴趣及提高英语口语水平为宗旨,为研究生同学提供畅谈英语的平台。我们的美藉外教Mike和他的朋友们Damon, Stephen,等,每一次都会以他们的热情,幽默和极富感染力的快乐能量,通过口语对话,问题互答,疑难解析,游戏等活动的形式,与大家共度口语时光。十一月份英语俱乐部为大家精心准备了热门话题,每周四晚18:00创新中心211,让我们不见不散!We want you!
Topic: Television shows
Nowadays, We can easily call some variety shows’ names: Dad, where are we going; Running man; the voice of China,
Go fighting, Ellen show, Saturday night live, etc. They convey family affection between fathers and children; team work, personality, body strength…
As an audience, we watch the shows to enjoy the relaxing and entertaining feelings. Sometimes, the shows reflect our normal lives and generate
numerous topics among classmates or work partners.
Q1: What kind of television shows do you love the most? Why?
Q2: Do you have a favorite superstar who participate the TV shows you adore the most?
Q3: If you were a director of a TV show, what content do you want to emphasize and express? Why?
Topic: How to Make Friends?
Life is like a journey, and it is always good to have a travel companion. A friend is someone that you can count on
and spend time with during the journey, and no one can live without a friend.
Q1: What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend? What are 3 qualities you don’t want in a friend?
Q2: If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make new friends?
Q3: For Chinese students, what advice would you give foreigners about how to develop good friendships with Chinese
Q4: For foreign teachers, what advice would you give to Chinese students about being friends with westerners.
主持人: 毛雪莹
Topic: Take Me to Travel to Your Hometown
When talking about your hometown, you will feel really excited. Everyone’s hometown has some attracting aspects,
such as its scenic spots, history, celebrities, etc. Would you like to take your partners to travel to your hometown
and introduce it in detail to them?
Q1: What makes you feel proud about your hometown?
Q2: What would you most like to introduce to others?
Q3: Please compare your hometown to Zhengzhou. If you are a native of Zhengzhou, you can choose your favorite city as a comparison.
Topic: Never Hesitate on Giving Thanks
Today is Thanksgiving day, so we should show our gratitude to anyone that ever helped us. Speaking of giving thanks,
Q1: What five things are you most grateful for in your life? Are they sensible things or insensible?
Q2: What person in your life do you feel the most grateful to? Why?
Q3: If someone helps you in a big way, how do you express your gratitude? Words, gifts, treat them to dinner, etc.?
Q4: If you do something good for someone but they don’t express thankfulness, how do you feel? What should
you do in that situation? Is it right to expect people to be grateful?