
标题: 郑州大学新闻与传播学院简介 [打印本页]

作者: 蓝水儿    时间: 2007-3-25 19:18
标题: 郑州大学新闻与传播学院简介

      郑州大学新闻与传播学院成立于2004年6月,其前身是1984年4月成立的中原第一家新闻高等教育机构郑州大学新闻系。基于社会的急切需要,郑州大学1976年就开始创办新闻专业,当年招收了80多名学生,成为河南高等教育史上第一批新闻专业学生。1982年受青海省委宣传部和河南省委宣传部委托,开始招收两年制的新闻干部培训班。经原国家教委批准,1983年4月,郑州大学中文系设立了新闻专业,同年7月开始招收四年制本科生。1984年4月,郑州大学正式成立新闻系。经过20年的努力, 学院已发展为拥有新闻学、广播电视新闻学、广告学三个本科专业和播音与主持人、编辑出版两个专业方向以及完整的新闻传播硕士学位点,即新闻、传播硕士点,集教学科研于一体、功能比较齐全的学科基地,为社会培养了万余名优秀毕业生。


      郑州大学新闻与传播学院还分别与河南日报报业集团和河南广播电影电视局实现了共建,“教学上上质量,科研上上水平”也已经在上下形成共识。据不完全统计,近几年来,本学科教师出版学术专著10余部,撰写教材 20余部,发表论文500余篇,其中200余篇论文发表在新闻学核心期刊上。学院师资力量雄厚,学术梯队结构合理,学习氛围浓郁,并注重新闻教育与媒介现实的积极互动,新闻传播学科已经成为一个在全国具有鲜明特色,中原大地首屈一指的优势发展学科。未来几年,该院将力争使学科结构更趋合理,教师学历进一步提升,硬件建设更加适合教学科研的要求,为中原乃至全国培养更多优秀新闻传播人才。

作者: 郑大考研网    时间: 2007-6-5 16:15
Brief Introduction of School of Journalism & Communication
    The School of Journalism and Communication of Zhengzhou University came into being in June 2004. Its predecessor, the Department of Journalism of Zhengzhou University, was the first founded advanced teaching institution in Journalism in Central China in April 1984. In fact, in order to meet the tightening social needs , Zhengzhou University began its efforts in Journalism teaching in 1976, and enrolled more than 80 students that year, who, therefore, became the first ones trained professionally in this field in the history of advanced education in Henan province. In 1982, under the commission of the Publicity Departments of Qinghai province and Henan province, it started a 2-year training program for journalism cadres. In April 1983, authorized by the Education Ministry of State, the Department of Chinese in this University set up journalism as a major, and began to enroll 4-year undergraduate in July the same year. From April 1984 when the Department of Journalism was set up, after twenty years’ efforts , the department has grown into the School of Journalism and Communication, which now has three undergraduate programs, namely, Journalism, Journalism of Radio & Television, Advertising Studies, and two professional programs: Announcing & Hosting, Editing & Publishing. The school can offer complete master’s degree programs in this field covering Journalism and Communication. It is now a comprehensive academic base, combining teaching with research, and has fostered over 10’000 graduates up to the present time.
   At present, the school has over thirty full-time teachers, among them, there are eighteen professors and associate professors, twelve postgraduate mentors, 70% of them have doctor’s degree or master’s degree.  The School of Journalism and Communication has more than 600 undergraduates, about 100 postgraduates. It has an Information Center, housing over 70’000 books, and a reference room for teachers and students, an electronic reading room, a comprehensive photographic laboratory, an electronic editing laboratory, an announcing & hosting studio, a radio & television laboratory, an advertisement design laboratory and a multi-media laboratory. In addition, it has one key research base, Mu Qing Study Center, open to nationwide academicians, and a Study Center for Media Development, four research institutes named Advertisement and Media Economy Institute, Media and Social Development Institute, Culture Communication Institute, Editing & Publishing Institute. These years, the faculty has been keeping exploring and widening the ways of running it and have kept progressing.
  The school now has two co-constructing partners: Henan Daily Group and Henan Bureau of Broadcast Film and Television. The notion of pursuing high quality teaching and high level research has been well put across the whole teaching staff. According to incomplete statistics, teachers in this school have published over 10 books, compiled more than 20 textbooks, published over 500 articles, among which more than 200 were printed by key journalism periodicals. With a capable teaching staff, a well academic structure and a good learning atmosphere, actually, the school has taken up an outstanding feature in the field and its disciplines have run top the same kind in central China. In the future, the school will surely strive forward to achieve a better academic structure and a better teaching and research atmosphere and to make the teaching staff improve more than ever both in diploma and ability. The School of Journalism and Communication of Zhengzhou University is always ready to provide more excellent talents in journalism and communication for the society.

作者: wsxz2002    时间: 2007-6-14 21:38
作者: chenwei110    时间: 2008-4-26 19:30
新闻传播学院的 录取名单什么时候出来啊
作者: mfreestyle    时间: 2008-7-27 02:24

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