Zhang Junfeng. Load effects and load effects combination of hyperboloidal cooling tower shell-----Effects of every single load [J]. Building Structure, (for press). (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge yaojun, Zhao Lin. Different interference effects on the global wind loads and wind induced responses for group hyperboloidal cooling towers [J]. Engineering Mechanics, (for press). (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Chen Huai, Li Jingbin. Seismic response features of hyperboloidal cooling towers based on response spectral analysis [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(10): 128-134. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Chen Huai, Li Jingbin. Influence of response spectrum parameters on seismic responses of hyperbolic cooling towers [J]. World Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 31(2): 222-229. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin, Ke Shitang. Influence of the meridian curve on mechanical performance of hyperboloidal cooling towers [J]. Engineering Mechanics, 2014, 31(3): 187-196. (In Chinese)
17、Jun-Feng Zhang, Huai Chen, Yao-Jun Ge, Lin Zhao, Shi-Tang Ke. Effects of stiffening rings on the dynamic properties of hyperboloidal cooling towers [J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2014, 49(5): 619-629.(SCI: 000338118800005; EI: 20140917371120)(2014年3月)(ISSN: 1225-4568)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin. Effects of stiffening rings and ribs on the dynamic properties of cooling towers [J]. Mechanics in Engineering, 2014, 36(1): 42-47 (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin, Ke shitang. Wind tunnel study on the three dimensional flow and spatial correlation properties of wind loads on hyperboloidal cooling towers [J]. Engineering Mechanics, 2013, 30(9): 234-242. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin, Ke shitang. Comparative study of the principles and applications of POD and MSM [J]. Mechanics in Engineering, 2013, 35(5): 69-78, 81. (In Chinese)
13、Jun-Feng Zhang, Yao-Jun Ge, Lin Zhao. Influence of latitude wind pressure distribution on the responses of hyperbolodial cooling tower shell [J]. Wind and Structures, 2013, 16(6): 579-601.(SCI: 000324856400003; EI: 20132716460488)(2013年6月)(ISSN: 1226-6116)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin. New perceptions on the structure behavior of hyperboloidal cooling towers [J]. Engineering Mechanics, 2013, 30(6): 67-76. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin. Introductions and analyses of collapse of cooling tower for ferrybridge power station [J]. Industrial Construction, 2013, 43(2): 153-158. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun. Study on the thermal effects of hyperboloidal cooling towers [J]. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2012, 40(11): 63-67. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng; Ge Yaojun; Ren Pengjie, Ke Shitang. Influence mechanism of mean values on POD of signals in random fields [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2012, 31(13): 46-52. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin. Study on global aerostatic stability of hyperboloidal cooling towers based on the wind tunnel tests [J]. Engineering Mechanics, 2012, 29(5): 68-77. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin. Effect of bottom meridian curve on the mechanics behavior of hyperboloidal cooling tower [J]. Building Structure, 2012, 42(2): 118-121. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun, Ke Shitang, Zhao Lin. Comparative study on the nominal value of wind loads on tall buildings among the codes of China, America and Japan [J]. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 2011, 38(10): 18-25. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng; Ge Yaojun; Zhao Lin. Comparison of aeroelastic stability of hyperboloidal cooling tower structures in different codes [J]. Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2011, 28(3): 62-66. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng; Ge Yaojun; Zhao Lin. Comparisons of nominal values of wind loads on hyperboloidal cooling towers [J]. Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2011, 28(2): 52-61. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Zhao Lin, Ke Shitang, Ge Yaojun. Wind tunnel investigation on wind-pressure interference effects for two large hyperboloidal cooling towers [J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011, 43(4): 81-87. (In Chinese)
Zhang Junfeng, Ge Yaojun. Origin of specifications about local buckling of hyperboloidal cooling towers in current codes [J]. Building Structure, 2011, 41(3): 100-109. (In Chinese)
Li Jingbin, Zhang Junfeng, Chen Huai. Research on fuzzy synthesize assessment of bridge condition based on the principle of variable weight [J]. Henan Science, 2009, 27(4): 447-450. (In Chinese)
4、Jun-Feng Zhang, Shi-Tang Ke, Yao-Jun Ge, Lin Zhao. Re-recognition of the BSS approach for hyperboloidal cooling towers [C]. 6th International Symposium on Cooling Towers, Cologne, German, June 20-23, 2012.(第6届国际冷却塔会议,德国科隆,2012年6月)
3、Jun-Feng Zhang, Yao-Jun Ge, Lin Zhao. Effect of latitude wind pressure distribution on the load effects of hyperboloidal cooling tower shell [C]. 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Netherlands, Amsterdam, July 10-15, 2011.(第13届国际风工程会议,荷兰阿姆斯特丹,2011年9月)