在Phys. Lett. A, J. Nanosci. & Nanotechno. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Ceram. Int. 等刊物发表论文80篇;其中,第一作者论文18篇,SCI/EI收录56篇。申请发明专利20件,授权15件。独立指导硕士研究生4名,获国家奖学金1人次。
1、Biao Zhao, Bingbing Fan, Gang Shao, Wanyu Zhao, and Rui Zhang*, Facile Synthesis of Novel Heterostructure Based on SnO2 Nanorods Grown on Submicron Ni Walnut with Tunable Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Capabilities, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7: 18815?18823.
2、Bingbing Fan, Huanhuan Guo, Jin Shi, Chunyan Shi, Yu Jia, Hailong Wang, Deliang Chen, Yijia Yang, Hongxia Lu, Hongliang Xu, and Rui Zhang, Facile One-Pot Preparation of Silver/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite for Cancer Photodynamic and Photothermal Therapy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015,15, 1-6.
3、Biao Zhao, Bingbing Fan, Gang Shao, Binbin Wang, Xiaoxuan Pian, Wen Li, Rui Zhang*, Investigation on the electromagnetic wave absorption properties of Ni chains synthesized by a facile solvothermal method, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2014, 307: 293–300
4、FAN BingBing, GUO HuanHuan, ZHANG Rui, JIA Yu, SHI ChunYan. Structural Evolution during the Oxidation Process of Graphite. Chinese Physics Letter, 2014,31(7):078102-4
6、B. B. Fan, C. Y. Shi, R. Zhang, Y. Jia.Ground states of silicon-multisubstituted fullerenes: First principle calculations and Monte-Carlo simulations. Chinese Physics Letter, 2013, 30(10): 106101-4.
8、FAN Bingbing, Zhang Rui, Sun Bing, Li Xuqin, Li Chunguang, Preparation of Porous Mullite Composite by Microwave Sintering. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science Edition) 2012, Vol.27(6): 1125-1127.
10、B. B. Fan, X. B. Yang, R. Zhang, Anisotropic mechanical properties and Stone-Wales Defects in Graphene monolayer: A Theoretical Study. Physics Letters A, 2010, (374) 2781-2784.