1、先读题是正解,读题的重点在于定位,也就是说在题干中找到关键词然后在文章中中确定需要阅读的位置,这是做阅读题的第一步也是最关键的一步,要做到不遗漏重要的关键词,关键词除了地点人物外,时间也是,而时间recently, now 等等都是大家容易疏忽的地方,殊不知,这种考察不同时间出现的不同观点也是常用的出题手法之一。楼主把这个起名叫“穿越型”。还有其它类型稍后再说。
21、 It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that
A、 arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers.
B、 English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews.
C、 high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers.
D、 young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies.
第一步,找关键词并定位。关键词是paragraph 1 and 2 ,那么我们就定位到文章的第一段和第二段。
第三步,读文章。我们可以轻易的注意到这样一句话perhaps the mostfar-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness oftheir arts coverage. inexorable不认识也不要紧,知道是decline就行了,前面加的无非就是表示夸张的形容词嘛。其实第一题的答案就可以完全从这一句话中得出了。看A、它主要谈的是消失,而我们可以注意到,文章不仅只是提了衰落,而且说到了是范围和严肃性的衰落,既然有严肃性的衰落,那就说明这种评论还是存在的,只是不如以前严肃,而不是完全消失吧,所以错。B、谈到了过去比现在的艺术评论更多,和文章说的scope的decline 相吻合,貌似是对的,但是为了安全起见(一定要认真读完每个选项,不能觉得是对的就选)C、文章压根就没谈报纸的读者问题,只不过谈了下报纸中的艺术报道,不符合第一段也就是文章的主题(这种议论文一般第一段就是主题),直接pass。D、这是个很有迷惑性的选项,但不要忘了一点,它没有提到时间点,而过去的年轻人和现在的年轻人观点是不一样的(因为过去艺术评论是很流行的,从这一点可以推论出来),再者,文章主要谈的是艺术评论而不是全部的criticism ondailies, 所以主题也不符。由此可以看出答案是选b。
22. Newspaper reviews in England before world warⅡwere characterized by
[A] free themes.
[B] casual style.
[C] elaborate layout.
[D] radical viewpoints.
第一步,找关键词并定位,第二步,确定读的范围。第三步,读文章。关键词有Newspaperreviews,England, before world warⅡ,characterized。根据关键词很容易就可以定位到We are even farther removedfrom the unfocused newspaper review spublished in England between the turn of t he 2 0th century and the eve of WorldWar Ⅱ,也就是文章第二段第一句的前半句,在回过头来看看关键词,发现其中有characterized,characterized是什么意思呢?无非就是问你有什么特点嘛,而描述一个事物的特点,用的最多的就莫过于形容词了,那我们就应该在关键词的前面找找看有没有什么可以描述特点的形容词,这么一来,我们的目光就在自然落在了unfocused(你背多了单词就知道形容词应该长什么样了),但是unfocused是啥意思呢?focused是集中的,那么unfocused当然就是不集中的(大概),再放在文章中理解了,不过这个句子实在没有提供什么可以推测出词义的线索,那就再看看选项,读懂这题的选项你一定要对下面几个词熟知才行 casual elaborate layout radical,如果不认识,那真是神也没法救你,所以还是要老老实实背单词,通过分析选项,能和“不集中的”搭上边的怕是只有a和b了,ab的甄别比较困难,因为文章提供的信息的确不多,遇到这种情况可以适当往下读,看有没有新的信息点,不过就本题来说,我们比没有发现,那么我们现在最好的选择就是放下,回头再来看看,我们不是还有选项分布的规律可以用吗?
23、 which of the following would Shaw and Newman most probablyagree on?
[A] It is writers’ duty to fulfill journalistic goals.
[B] It is contemptible for writers to be journalists.
[C] Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism.
[D] Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.
还是那三板斧,第一步,找关键词并定位,第二步,确定读的范围。第三步,读文章。关键词Shaw andNewman,很快我们就找到了这句话Theirs was aserious business, and even those reviewers who wore their learninglightly, like George Bern ard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could betrusted to know what they were a bout. These men believed injournalism as a calling, and were proud to be publishedin the daily press. “So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enoughto keep their own end up in journalism, ”Newman wrote, 再读选项我们很快发现,选项d和文章中So few authors havebrains enough or literary gift enough 契合度很高,于是做出选择就不太困难了。但是根据楼主决不放弃任何一个选项的原则,另外三个我们一定要认真辨别,找出排除的确切理由,a,有个词duty,明显言过了,何况文章压根就没谈什么fulfilljournalistic goals。b,还是一样,作家不屑与成为记者,逻辑错误,弄反了。c是值得大家特别关注的一个选项,因为选项中有一个短语,be likely to,和may意思差不多,但由于作家想成为记者文章并没有提到,所以pass掉。于是d是最佳选项。总结这一题发现,在靠近关键词附近找答案的确还靠谱。
24、 What can be learned about Cardus according to the last twoparagraphs?
[A] His music criticism may not appeal to readers today.
[B] His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute.
[C]His style caters largely to modern specialists.
[D]His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition.
老样子,第一步,找关键词并定位,第二步,确定读的范围。第三步,读文章。关键词 Cardus, the last twoparagraphs。由于提到最后两段,按着我的习惯,我一般就直接看第一段了,于是我们很高兴的发现第一句是这样一句话Unfortunately,these critics are virtually forgotten. Unfortunately我们是不是太熟悉了,直接就表明了作者的态度,更让我高兴的是后面还说了thesecritics are virtually forgotten,让我知道了作者为什么失望,再让我们看看选项,刚看到a,竟然又让我发现了may,而且读后发现竟然和第一句话的意思那么吻合,被忘了不就是代表着作品不再吸引今天读者了吗,好了a铁定是跑不了了,不过按照每个选项都认真看的原则,大家还是不能激动,耐着性子把选项看完。在这里bcd排除难度不大,楼主就不再细说了。
25、 What would be the best title for the text?
[A] Newspapers of the Good Old Days.
[B] The lost Horizon in Newspapers.
[C] Mournful Decline of Journalism.
[D] Prominent Critics in Memory.
26、 Business-method patents have recently aroused concern becauseof
[A] their limited value to business
[B] their connection with asset allocation
[C] the possible restriction on their granting
[D] the controversy over authorization
老三样,关键词有 Business-methodpatents,recently, concern,这里定位就出现了一个问题,我们可以在第一段找到这样几个词thousands ofpatents,businessmethods,而我们在第二段也可以发现Business-methodpatents,那究竟是看第一段还是看第二段呢?楼主认为,就都看看嘛,在这里要提醒大家一点,看文章的时候一定要有个大局观念,不能过于局限于一个词或者是一句话,而要注重于文章的整体的结构,比如在这里的第一段第一句话后就是一个三个例子的并列,如果你能注意到这一点,明显第一段我们就不应该花太多时间去看(除非你搞不懂第一句话在说啥,需要例子来进行补充理解),而如果你没有注意到这一点,这些例子里涉及到的一些专业词汇和品牌名称会使你觉得看起来很吃力的。好,我们现在发现了第一段不过是例子的堆砌,而第一句话好像也并没有发现到底是什么arousedconcern,我们再看第二段第一句Now the nation’stop patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business-methodpatents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10years ago. 很好,有now(recently)还有Business-method patents,看来位置是找对的,唯一的不足是,啥是scale back 呢,么见过呢,这就需要大家充分发挥想象了(大家一定要敢于猜)scale规模,back回,规模回,差不多就是规模缩小嘛,好再来看选项,ac是很容易排除的,先pass,cd谁对呢?不好判断,那就用我们之前总结的出题手法来检查检查,看看时间点对不对,好问题出来了,我们的关键词是recently(now),但是d好像说的是十年前吧,果断的,d pass掉。看看,前半句是正确的,后半句就开始来骗你了,看来还是越接近关键词越安全啊^_^,出题人知道你不敢只看半句啊,陷阱放在后面是狡猾大大滴。时间点的错误很容易让大家迷惑,楼主称其穿越型,大家一定要小心应对。
27、 Which of the following is true of the Bilski case?
[A] Its ruling complies with the court decisions
[B] It involves a very big business transaction
[C] It has been dismissed by the Federal Circuit
[D] It may change the legal practices in the U.S.
关键词Bilski case,很快可以定位到这一句话 In reBilski , as the case is known , is “a very big deal”, says Dennis’D、 Crouch ofthe University of Missouri School of law. It “has the potential to eliminate anentire class of patents.”当然,后面的段落里也出现了这个词,但是还有一个原则,一般英语考试它的出题顺序都是从上到下,不会跳段,考研英语也遵循 这个原则,大家不用担心这个问题。虽然后面的段落也出现了这个关键词,但是由于距离较远,所以还是定位到这句,这里插一句,看到这个表达方式 saysDennis’D,这个词是say等常用词的时候你知道是什么意思,当它变成moan等不常用词(相对来说)的时候,你还认识吗?这句话实际上了两句话, In reBilski is “a very big deal, It “has the potential to eliminate an entireclass of patents.”这句话大家就不要费劲去读了:saysDennis’D、 Crouch of the University of Missouri School of law. 好,在来看选项,一眼扫过去(大家当然还是要一项一项的读),楼主发现在d项竟然有一个may,再看看意思,可能改变美国的司法实践,这里,如果你对美国的司法有那么一点点了解的话,d今天就跑不了了(背景知识还是很有用的啊),不过即使这样确定,大家也一定不能放松对其它选项的认真甄别,这个是原则,要知道很多错误都是这样犯下的,对于这么个奸诈到几点的对手,你只能小心小心再小心。
28、 The word “about-face” (Line 1, Paro 3) most probably means
[A] loss of good will
[B] increase of hostility
[C] change of attitude
[D] enhancement of dignity
这种猜词义的题目难度也比较大,不过楼主认为,对于这种类型的题目,最需要把握的一点是,一定要在逻辑上保持和上下文一致,特别是下文,也就是一定要和下文的态度能对上调,这并不是说一定和下文态度一摸一样,而恰恰是一定要注意比如but等有明显转折语气的词,大家一定要具体情况具体分析。大家要牢记这一点,要内化为自己的做题习惯,否则你开始看题目的时候还记得,看了几个选项被糊弄的七荤八素的时候就忘了。好,看about-face后面的话, because itwas...... itself, 因为这是某某自己干的,在联想到face脸,所以前面的词当然是变化(变脸)的意思啦。其它选项楼主就不一一甄别啦,不过在考场上还是一定要看的啊。
29、We learn from the last two paragraphs that business-methodpatents
[A] are immune to legal challenges
[B] are often unnecessarily issued
[C] lower the esteem for patent holders
[D] increase the incidence of risks
这题的关键词当然没话说就是the last twoparagraphs, business-methodpatents,但是定位好像不太容易,那没办法,就一段段的读呗,先第一段,不行就上第二段,每个选项如上述的方法来排除,时间啊逻辑啊什么的。这里就不详诉了。提醒一点,如果你能注意到最后一段too many 这个词,貌似这题也不是太难。
30、 Which of the following would be the subject of the text?
[A] A looming threat to business-method patents
[B] Protection for business-method patent holders
[C] A legal case regarding business-method patents
[D] A prevailing trend against business-method patents
这题相当难,bc很容易排出就不说了,ad不太好弄,首先可能是大家有两个词不认识,a,looming,d, prevailing,就算知道looming潜在的,prevailing流行的,也不太好弄,按照考试分析上的说法,文章只谈到了专利的授权会越来越严格,所以用潜在的比较合适,也就是a是对的,这题就不多说了,大家仁者见仁智者见智吧。
31、 By citing the book The Tipping Point the author intends to
[A] analyze the consequences of social epid emics
[B] discuss influentials’ funcition in spreading ideas
[C] exemplify people’s intuitive response to social epidemics
[D] describe the essential characteristics of influentials
关键词the book TheTipping Point , author,这里把author也设为关键词的意思是,是author而不是别人,对象要搞清楚,特别是观点。好,再来审题,intends to,楼主的理解是:下文说什么不就是作者打算干嘛吗?所以,毫无疑问,答案是b,这里还有一个词要注意,epidemics,如果你知道这个词是什么意思,文章的理解也就不难了,所以,大家要好好背单词。
32、 The author suggests that the “two-step-flow theory”
[A] serves as a solution to marketing problems
[B] has helped explain certain prevalent trends
[C] has won support from influentials
[D] requires solid evidence for its validity
32题是很神奇的一题,关键词,two-step-flowtheory,author 。定位这样一句话
The supposed importance of inftuentials derives from a plansiblesounding but largely untested theory called the "tow-step flow ofcommunication" :Informationfllows from the mediato the inftuentials and from then to ereryone else.很快注意到but largely untestedtheory,看见没,读到这里就够了,d 毫无疑问,反而abc看似符合后文,d一出,全都是废话,正所谓读的越多陷的越深啊,简直就是玩你没商量,对于这个问题我们已经讨论很多了,就不在详述。
33、what the researchers have observed recently shows that
[A] the power of influence goes with social interactions
[B] interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media
[C] influentials have more channels to reach the public
[D] most celebrities enjoy wide media attention
关键词,theresearchers, recently,很快定位到这里In theirrecent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding thatinfluentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generallysupposed. In fact, they don’t seem to be required of all.很符合题目的一段话,再看选项,很可惜,我们并没有发现合适的答案,很明显,这都是出题人捣的鬼,好吧,让我们在往下看看又有什么陷阱在前面,在这里提醒大家一句,读考研阅读,有一个能力是必须要具备的,那就是能分析句子的成分,每次你就只奔主谓宾去就好了,甩掉什么插入语啊,从句啊什么的,这种文章一般都特能折腾,加些乱七八糟的东西在里面,你不会找主谓宾没准就被搅的七荤八素了,比如接下来的一句Theresearchers’ argument stems from a simple observing about social influence: with the exception ofa few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey-whose outsize presence is primarily afunction of media, not interpersonal, influence-even the most influential membersof a population simply don’t interact with that many others. 实质不过就是The researchers’argument stems from a simple observing about social influence: influence-eventhe most influential members of a population simply don’t interact with thatmany others. 前面的什么 OprahWinfrey-whose都因为前面的一句with theexception of而统统没有读的价值了,所以说啊这还真是个考察实力的舞台,同志们还是不要抱怨了,加紧干活吧,光玩技术是不行滴。这么一来本题的答案是a就无疑了,不过你千万别把a的influence看成influentials了哈(英语接触的少的同学容易犯这种低级错误)。
34、The underlined phrase “these people” in paragraph 4 refers tothe ones who
[A] stay outside the network of social influence
[B] have little contact with the source of influence
[C] are influenced and then influence others
[D] are influenced by the initial influential
35、what is the essential element in the dynamics of socialinfluence?
[A]The eagerness to be accepted
[B]The impulse to influence others
[C]The readiness to be influenced
[D]The inclination to rely on others
这题很有意思,关键词essentialelement, thedynamics of social influence,定位就最后一段,总共才两句话,那就都看了吧,很快,因为有 principalrequirement 与essentialelement同意,我们发现这句话是关键Our workshows that the principal requirement for what we call “global cascades”- thewidespread propagation of influence through networks - is the presence not of afew influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people.这句话读起来难度看似颇大,但只要你会分析成分,就不过如此了,分析道最后我们简化成这样一句话 theprincipal requirement is rather, of a critical mass of easilyinfluenced people。答案出来了,那就是easilyinfluenced people,看选项,是c无疑了,因为注意people是被影响的,别自作聪明给搞反了。
36、 Bankers complained that they were forced to
[A] follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules
[B]collect payments from third parties
[C]cooperate with the price managers
[D]reevaluate some of their assets.
关键词, Bankerscomplained,they wereforced,定位 Theirrules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it’sjust not fair. 并不长,可是因为 moanthe banks的出现,当年立马就弄晕了楼主(惭愧啊),不过大家可不能晕啊,要吸取楼主的教训,平时要多掌握些英文的习惯表达方式,好,最后这句话就简化为 , thebanks moan,theirrules have forced them to report enormous losses。答案就是a无疑了,bcd还是要看的,不过唯一有难度的选项是d,d的话,错的原因是可能是与a相比,a更符合吧,大家仁者见仁智者见智吧。
37、According to the author , the rule changes of the FASB mayresult in
[A]the diminishing role of management
[B]the revival of the banking system
[C]the banks’ long-term asset losses
[D]the weakening of its independence
关键词,author,the rule changes of theFASB ,很明显,由于有author这么个特殊的词,Unfortunately,banks’ lobbying now seems to be working. The details may be unknowable, but theindependence of standard-setters, essential to the proper functioning ofcapital markets, is being compromised. 像这样直接表明作者态度的句子我们是不能不看的。这题的难点在于,由于错误的把the rulechanges of the FASB 当成了主要的关键词导致从出现fasb的那一句读起的话,我们得不到想要的答案,因为本段采用的是倒叙的手法,所以作者的态度反而放到了前面,楼主之所以要读第一句而不是从fasb那开始读,一是因为有author,二是因为unfortunately太扎眼了,所以就读了,所以答案跟着就出来了,其他选项甄别难度不大就不详诉了;