In this chart, it can be seen that...
或者According to the date provided above, it can be noticed that...
如果整个图表数据是大幅度上升了:(sth) has increased a lot,climbing nearly to(上升到达的数据点%)in (年份)。
随后如果整个数据是大幅度下降了:in the mean time,(sth) has witnessed a dramatic slump, dropping by(下降的差值%,意思就2008年是80%,到2012年是20%,那这里就填下降了60%)from (2008从哪一年开始下降))to(2012下降到哪一年为止).如果相差的不是整数,就在前面写个approximately X%(大概多少的意思)
如果有部分数据平稳不变:In comparsion,(sth)has remained almost constant.
如果数据只是轻微的上升:(sth)has a steady but slight increase from (哪一年)to(哪一年)。如果轻微上升后开始平稳了可以加一句:and has remained constant since then.
整体数据波动平缓的 the fluctuation of (sth) is ralatively slighter.
It is no difficult job to come up with some possible factors to account for this phenomenon.
开始分析。我是看老蒋的作文总结出来的,因为看历年真题无论是涉及手机销量还是汽车销量或是不同年龄段对工作的满意度等等一大堆的图表内容, 咱都可以和发展扯上关系,经济发展,技术发展,社会发展,产业发展等各种发展,销量主题可以说是经济和技术的发展,民生主题可以说是经济和社会的发展。
At the top of the list is the recent huge improvement of(开始接经济/社会或者看其他哪种发展适合图表内容,例如可以接the rapid development of the Chinese XXX industry). 随后接着写According to a official report, it is reported that...(后面就随便编一句就行了)
Besides, we must admit that... / 或者写句长一些开头的 But another mportant factor that cannot be ignored is that...(这段后面自己平时积累编一两句接一下就够了)
The final factor that I'd like to highlight here is that(sth has been increasingly ...these years).With the (这里又可以套一个什么社会经济技术发展 之类的套话进来了,例如with the advance of the Chinese society.) 然后再编一句收尾即可。
最后分析的开头套话还有这句 Finally, what is responsible for the sitsuation is that(sth has been increasingly ...these years).
产业发展:is/with the rapid development of the Chinese XXX industry.
社会发展:with the advance of the Chinese society.
经济发展:with the rapid economic growth of/in (地点/领域).
技术发展:with the rapid technology advance of/in (地点/领域).
From the analyses made above, we may safely draw the conclusion that the present situation is quiet normal. And this established trend will continue for quiet a while in the forthcoming yeras.