
标题: 2015考研英语提高翻译速度技巧:锁定主旨句 [打印本页]

作者: 夜末清风    时间: 2014-7-31 16:05
标题: 2015考研英语提高翻译速度技巧:锁定主旨句
  以1991年的翻译真题为例,文章首句为“The fact is that the energy crisis, which has suddenly beenofficially announced, has been with us for a long time now, and with be with usfor an even longer time。”句子的大意为“事实上,虽然官方是突然宣布能源危机的存在的,然而长期以来我们一直面临着能源危机,而且这种情况今后将会持续更长时间。”通过阅读,我们可以清晰的找到这句话的重点,就是“energy crisis”,也就是能源危机,那么可以肯定,这篇文章论述的就是与能源危机相关的情况。
  首先来看第一道考题“The supply ofoil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wellswill all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use。”其中的“supply of oil”,“oil wells”很明显是与能源有关,而“shut off”和“run dry”又与危机有关,所以整句话就是能源危机可能出现的情况,在理解了整篇内容的背景是能源危机后,对于所翻译的句子也就不难理解了。
  我们继续来看第二道考题。“New sourcesof energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to resultin any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentifulenergy we have had in the times past。”这句话中出现了“Newsources of energy”,能源危机出现了,如果想解决危机,那么必须就要寻找新能源来缓解危机,所以文章出现“新能源”的字眼顺理成章,合乎逻辑,那么翻译起来就会更加容易了。
  文章第三个题目“The food supplywill not increase nearly enough to match this, which means that we are headinginto a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food。”句中的中心词是“food supply”,如果出现能源危机,那么生产粮食所需要的能源也减少,随之粮食产量不足,供给矛盾激化,进而造成生产和销售粮食的危机。粮食供给与能源危机紧紧相连,理解了背景与题目的逻辑关系,将其译成中文也就不在话下了。
  第四道题“This will beparticularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continueagriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible tocombine few farmers with high yields。”句中的“energy pinch”是“energy crisis”的同义词,即“能源匮乏”的意思,另外“high-energy”高耗能也和能源密切相关。
  最后一道“Until such time asmankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet canprovide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept moreunnatural food。”文章由能源危机引发了粮食危机,而人口不断增长又使粮食危机更加严重,最后一句提出了通过减少人口来缓解粮食危机的重要性。

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