l 国际磷化学学会理事
l Main Group Chemistry国际学会理事
l 国际生命起源学会理事
l 国际杂原子化学(heteroatom chemistry)杂志编委
l Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry审稿人
l Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements杂志编委
Refercnces :
1. Yu-Fen Zhao, She-kang Xi, GaiJiao Ji. Ai-teng Song, J. Org. Chem., 1984, 49, 4551-4559, “The Phosphoryl as a Novel Amino Protecting Group for Firedel-Crafts Acylation of N-[2-(3,4-dialkoxyphenyl) ethyl]-glycine”
2. Yun-Sheng Li, Yu-Fen Zhao, Scott Hatfield, Rong Wan, Qin Zhu, Xiong-Hong Li, Mark McMills, Yuan Ma, Jing Li, Kenneth L. Brown, Chen He, Fang Liu and Xiao-Zhuo Chen,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 8, 2000, 2675-2680, “Dipenptide Seryl-Histidine and Related Oligopeptides Cleave DNA, Protein, and a Carboxyl Ester”
3. Yong-Fang Li, Yao-Wu Sha, Yuan Ma and Yu-Fen Zhao, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 1995, Vol. 213, No. 3, 875-880, “Cleavage of DNA by N-Phosphoryl Histidine”
4. Wei-Hua Zhou, Yong Ju, Yu-Fen Zhao, Qing-Gang Wang and Guoan Luo, Origin of life and Evolution of the Bioshere, 1996, 26, 547-560, Kluwer Academic publishers. Printed in the Netherlands, “Simultaneous Formation of Peptides and Nucleotides From N-Phosphothreonine”
5. Yu-Fen Zhao, Pei-Shen Cao, Journal of Biological Physics, 1994, 20, 283-287 “Phosphoryl Amino Acids Common Origin for Nuclec Acids and Protein”
6. Yu-Fen Zhao and Pei-Sheng Cao, Chemical : Physics of the Origin and Life, 1996, 279-285, Kluwer Academic Publishers, J. Chela-Fores and F. Raulin (eds), Printed in the Netherlands, “Basic Models of Chemical Evolution of Life. The Minimum Evolving System”
7. Ning Zhou, Kui Lu, Yan liu, Yi chen, Guo Tang, Shu-Xia Cao, Ling-Bo Qu and Yu-Fen Zhao, Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry, 2002, 16, 912-919, “Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometric Studies of Phosphorus Oxychloride Directed Synthesis of Homo-Oligopeptide Ester Libraries”
8. Hua Fu, Zhao-Long Li, Yu-Fen Zhao and Guang-Zhong Tu, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 291-295, “Oligomerization of N,O-Bis(Trimethylsilyl)-α-Amino Acids into Peptides Mediated by O-Phenylene Phosphorochloridate”
9. Jing Chen, Yi Chen, Yang Jiang, Hua Fu, Bin Xin, Yu-fen Zhao, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2001; 15: 1936-1940, “Rearrangement of P-N to P-O Bonds in Mass Spectra of N-Diisopropyloxyphosphoryl Amino Acids/Alcohols”
10. Jing Chen, Yang Jiang, Hua Fu, Yi Chen, Chang-Mei Cheng, Yu-Fen Zhao, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2001; 15: 1489-1493, “Rearrangement with Formamide Extrusion in the Electrospray Mass Spectra of Aminoacylbenzylamines”
11. Zhong-Zhou Chen, Shui-Bing Chen, Yi Chen, Yan-Mei Li, Jing Chen and Yu-Fen Zhao, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2002, 16: 1-7, “Negative-Ion Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry of N-Phosphoryl Amino Acids and Dipeptides”